The main rule for losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. In other words, the secret of all diets is a calorie deficit. Unfortunately, this rule is not always working correctly. Every rule always has an exception. Calorie deficit theory will not work if you have issues with some of your endocrine glands. In a previous article – “How hormonal imbalances can affect your weight loss”, we already spoke about problems with hormones like cortisol, insulin, thyroid…

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Many personal trainers and nutrition advisors will tell you that, regardless of your diet, the fundamental principle for weight loss is creating a calorie deficit - burning more calories than you consume. More about this principle you can read in my article: "The secret of all diets". However, it's not always that simple. Even if you eat less and exercise more, weight loss may still be tricky. This is because weight gain can be caused not only by poor eating…

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Blood pressure is a measure of the force that blood applies to the walls of the arteries when it flows through them. We are measuring blood pressure using two numerical readings, Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery walls during the contraction phase of the heartbeat. Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery walls during the relaxation phase of the heartbeat. When we have normal blood pressure, our blood…

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There is a saying that 80% of all diseases start in the gut, that we are what we eat. This means it's essential what food you are putting in your mouth. To stay healthy, we should eat more fresh, natural, whole foods, giving us all the necessary macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Unfortunately, because of busy lives or other factors, we tend to eat more processed, sugary, high-fat, and too salty foods. And this can…

Continue ReadingAn overview of nutrition-related diseases. We are what we eat!

Do you have a problem losing weight no matter how much effort you put into the gym? Or you are a skinny guy trying to increase muscle mass, but your muscles don't want to grow? The answer to this problem can lie in your specific body type. You must work with your body instead of against it to achieve your goals. You need to know your body type, eat, and train in the gym according to your body type. Different…

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Mostly, when people want to lose weight, they come to personal trainers or nutritionists and give them approximately such information: “I start my day with coffee and a sandwich. During lunch, I eat pasta with salad and chicken breast, plus some muffin, during dinner I eat a sandwich with tea and some apple. Why don’t I lose weight?”. They expect a personal trainer to give them some suggestions quickly, and they will start losing weight. But this information is not…

Continue ReadingA step-by-step guide to creating your nutrition diary and why it is so important.

When you want to lose weight, you start searching the internet for a diet. But what diet is the best for losing weight? Is it an intermittent fasting diet, Plant-based diet, Low-carb diet, Paleo diet, Low-fat diet, Mediterranean diet, or something else? Actually, it doesn’t matter what diet you use to lose weight, because they all have the same principle: “If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume”. In other words, the secret of…

Continue ReadingThe secret of all diets, or what is a calorie deficit.

There is a belief that even more than 90% of our actions are habitual. Mostly, we go to work by the same route, we go to the same shops, and we do the same work tasks every day. Also, we have habits associated with food. Some people like eating something sweet after each meal, or they eat sweets when they feel sad. Others always eat in front of the television, snacking all the time. All these habits are formed during…

Continue ReadingImportance of our eating habits and their influence on our food choices.